Gieszer fest (Gieszerstrasse 16)


Constructive Refusal: Anarchists in the GDR (free admission)

Lecture on the self-image and lifestyle of anarchists in the GDR in the 1980s.

Time: Friday 17:30 – 19:00

Place: In der Gieszer, barrier-free access

The first Antifa in the GDR ( Admission in the context of the festival)

Talk about the phases of political self-organization of the Potsdam Antifa group in the change of two systems of rule (GDR / FRG) from 1987 to 1994.

Time: Friday 19:30 -20:30

Location: In der Gieszer, barrier-free access

Luftpirat:innen – Aerophilia (acrobatics)

Two hungry pirates. A ship with red sails. A treasure map.
How can the treasure be found? How can three apples be distributed fairly? It’s all or nothing, knives are juggled, treasure maps are found and the hoisted sail is climbed.
A funny adventure journey between insidious plans, whirling aerial artistry and lots of fun, in which it is also about fundamental questions: mine and yours, what does that mean?

When: Friday 19:30

Place: Street in front of the Gieszer16

Mediterranean Monologues (admission as part of the festival)

The Mediterranean Monologues tell the story of the politically resistant Naomie from Cameroon and Yassin from Libya, who find themselves on a boat to Europe, of brutal coast guards and dubious sea rescue stations, and of activists who are doing something about the deaths on the Mediterranean. These activists convince the coast guards to look for people in distress at the Alarmphone or learn to save people from drowning on the Seawatsch – in short, they do the most natural thing that is anything but natural in the year 2023: saving human life!

Time: Friday 20:00 – 21:00

Place: In the Gieszer, barrier-free entrance

Seabird – The civilian eye: Film and talk ( Admission in the context of the festival)

Representatives of Sea-Watch e.V. show in their latest documentary the cooperation of Sea-Watch and the Swiss NGO “Humanitarian Pilots Initiative” (HPI): Together they fly across the Mediterranean Sea, document human rights violations by the so-called Libyan coast guard and support rescues of boats in distress.
Afterwards, there will be an audience discussion with parts of the crew.

When: Friday 21:00-22:00

Where: In the Gieszer, barrier-free access.

Laughter for Leftists – Reading with Schning ( Admission as part of the festival)

Scenic reading experience with old punk tales about youth in the East, making it over after the reunification, hatred of work, pompous fatzkes and quite normal madness. Excellently presented by the freshly baked book author Schning, between bullshit and razor-sharp analysis. Watch out! You will probably have to laugh at yourself.

Place: Lesecafe, barrier-free access

When: In the Gieszer, 20:45-21.45.

Saturday 29.04:

1) BDSM* and Anarchaqueerfeminism ( free admission).

Two practices that want to break with existing boundaries and rules, or at least question them anew for themselves, choose and negotiate them. What is it all about? What can be learned from each other? Non-sexual workshop with bondage self-experience for individuals or couples. Number of participants limited to 20. All gender with flinta* focus, exchange in subgroups flinta/tina possible. If possible pre-registration under birdsandbees(at),

if it is ok for you then please with self-positioning to gender, so that a flinta* majority can be possible.

Feel free to write if you have questions or wishes for the workshop. person offering workshop: robin (genderfluid) *bdsm stands for bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism (pleasure to give/receive pain)

When: Saturday 13:00-15:30

Where: Mutiny, Zollschuppenstraße 1, barrier-free access

2) For a new anarchist ethics – input and discussion ( free admission)

How can a successful, beautiful, fulfilled life be described? What protest against the existing order of domination can be derived from it? How can we create the conditions, acquire the resources and learn the skills to set it up? And how can it become possible for all – not against each other, but with each other, in shared responsibility for ourselves, for others and for the world around us? These questions are explored by anarchist ethics, the main features of which will be presented and discussed

When: Saturday 14:30 -16:00
Where: Cinema, barrier-free access

3) Tour of Nazi forced labor in Leipzig Plagwitz ( ca. 1h)

Leipzig-Plagwitz is known for its industrial past. During the Second World War, many factories important for armaments were located here. In these factories, Nazis used tens of thousands of women, men and children deported to the German Reich for forced labor. During the tour, we will visit selected former company and camp sites in the vicinity of the G16 and inform you about the living and working conditions of the forced laborers. In addition to topics such as resistance and the visibility of Nazi crimes in the everyday life of the Leipzig population, the tour will also address questions about the past and current confrontation with history in the city of Leipzig.

When: Saturday 15:00 – 16:00

Place: Meeting point at the information board at the entrance of the Gieszer16

4) “The Wedge Plays The Tower” – Theater

When: Saturday 15:00 – 15:30

Where: Street festival on the Gieszer street

5) tin*stories – Reading with Anton and Orlando Meier-Brix ( free admission)

The anthology “tinstories” makes trans, inter* and non-binary history in Germany visible since 1900. A look into the history of trans, inter and non-binary people shows that being tin* is nothing temporary or even new. This is exemplified by Liddy Bacroff, who wrote down her experience of persecution as a trans* woman and sex worker under National Socialism. Orlando Meier-Brix
and Joy Reißner publish in their voluntarily edited anthology tinStories of 18 authors who go in search of traces in essays, autobiographical stories, lyrical texts and interviews. Sometimes personal experiences are also made accessible to the readers. It is touching, thought-provoking and encouraging, and comprises much more than just private narratives.
Orlando Meier-Brix researches and conducts educational work with a focus on
queer and Jewish history.

Anton is trans* and in his late 20s and studied history. He is writing his doctoral thesis on the negotiation of sexuality and gender in the “University Mental Hospital” Halle (Saale) under National Socialism and is involved with the Leipzig Forced Labor Memorial.

When: Saturday 15:30- 16:45
Where: Lesecafe, barrier-free

6) Isi Kresh

A much too large music stand, two hands, two instruments and a dog. A slack rope spectacle about power. The inner power… closes. Join in… with Isi Kresh!

When: Saturday 16:00

Where: Street festival, near Schiffsbug

7) Against militarism and radical pacifism – solidarity with struggle against russian imperialism

( free entrance)

The war in Ukraine continues for over a year. With tens of thousands of dead, millions displaced and injured one of bloodiest conflicts of recent times continues with no perspective for the end. Different parts of Ukrainian society are participating in this war. From people organizing humanitarian aid to those volunteering to fight against Russia. Many of those people are our anarchist and antifascist comrades who despite all the danger decided to take arms and resist.
We’ve been working together with comrades in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus for the whole period of war and would like to share with you that experience, talk about the myths that western left prefer to stick to in order to stay ideologically pure and contradictions that exists within the movent in eastern europe around the war.

Presentation will be in english with possible whisper translation to German.
When: Saturday 16:30-18:00
Where: Cinema, Barrier-free

8) “When I came to Germany” – Reading – International Women*Space (free admission)

Several hundred women came together at the conference ” When I came to Germany” 2017. People talked about arriving in Germany, working and living here, and organizing politically as women in this country. All the contributions from the conference were transcribed, edited in German and published in the book. The reading and subsequent conversation will focus on guest workers/contract workers in West/East Germany as well as self-organization and feminist work in the context of migration.
“When I came to Germany” – Reading- International Women*Space.
Several hundred women came together at the conference ” When I came to Germany” 2017. People talked about arriving in Germany, working and living here, and organizing politically as women in this country. All contributions to the conference were transcribed, edited in German and published in this book.The reading and subsequent discussion will focus on guest workers/contract workers in West/East Germany as well as self-organization and feminist work in the context of migration.
Reading will take place in German followed by conversation in English (with possible translation into German – whisper)
Reading will take place in German followed by conversation in English (with possible translation into German – whisper)

When: Saturday 17:30-19:00

Where: Lesecafe

9) Kiezgespräch ” Preserve the Plagwitz Bürgerbahnhof” (Citizens’ Station)

We, the citizens’ initiative “Citizens’ Station Plagwitz Preserve”, do not want any further development of the areas between Naumburgerstr. and Antonienbrücke! Therefore, we have been working closely with local associations and initiatives for over a year to ensure that the area continues to exist as a place for diverse community and creative uses and does not only serve the commercial interests of a few.

Come to our Kiezgespräch – we’ll talk about the changes in the surrounding area and how we can counter them.

When: Saturday 17:00
Where: Street festival, stage on the street

10) Reading with Jonny Bauer (entrance fee as part of the festival)

From the Punk-Roadtrip novels: Scheiternhaufen and Shanghai Schaschlik

When: Saturday 20:00-21:00

Where: Cinema, barrier-free

11) Aeshna Cyanea

Sounds and lyrics from the heart of Cocania.
Pre-apocalyptic landscapes between stoner, drone and noise; disturbed, bothered, harassed, strengthened by words, syllables, signs. One*of us can’t stand mushrooms.
When: Saturday 20:00-20:45

Where: dive

12) Hullabaloo Cabaret ( entrance fee within the festival)

Welcome to Hullabaloo Cabaret – an exciting show you won’t want to miss! We have an incredible lineup of performers lined up for you, including Eva Clumsy, Enjo Flint and Princess Tweedle Needle, who will enchant you with their bizarre performance.
Experience a night of thrills and excitement. Our performers will make you laugh, wonder and dream!

When: Saturday 21:00-21:45

Where: Print shop, not accessible

13) Hxlxmxndxncxk opens to Gieszerfest

Gießerstr. 32a former recycling museum

Thursday 27.04.2023: Text pub 20.00-02.00
Saturday 29.04.2023: Karaoke 18.00-00.00