30.04. Sunday

Morning: BOOK PRESENTATION and WORKSHOP “Adbusting” by BBSC @W1 East (no stairs, narrow doors, cramped toilets).

Book launch: Mega Outrageous! Adbusting with police and military

Adbusting: This is the new German term for the politically motivated alteration of advertising posters by means of minimally invasive vandalism. If you do this with police or military posters, you risk house searches, DNA analyses and reports to the Terror Defense Center in 2018/19. Because the State Protection at LKA Berlin had found out that adbusting makes, for example, the Bundeswehr “even ridiculous”. Thanks to the bold public relations work of the solo group plakativ, it was possible to make the authorities more ridiculous than adbusting ever could because of their exaggerated and disproportionate actions. In the meantime there are several decisions of public prosecutor’s offices and police authorities that the opening of advertising showcases and the hanging up of own posters is not punishable. At our book launch, we will tell the unusual story of this rare success and show lots of photographs of real adbusting, and together we will explore the possibilities and limits of this form of action. Sequence of events:

1 Introduction, expectations
2 What is advertising?

  1. social discourses using the example of adbusting
  2. history: adbusting in the resistance against fascism 1933-45
  3. controversial examples and analysis of the images with the Teilis and insights into the effect based on the court files
  4. feedback

The workshop is very participative with only a few participants (less than 10).
participative. If more people come, we lecture bigger parts to stay in time.

Duration: 1,5-2h

Participants: 5-50

2nd workshop

Communication guerrilla To alienate, exaggerate or otherwise creatively change advertising messages or PR campaigns of corporations, lobby groups or political parties – without the viewer perhaps noticing this at first glance – that is communication guerrilla. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, glossy campaigns. Because communication guerrilla has the potential to create access to public discourse even with simple means and limited resources. How this can work will be shown here in a workshop that relies heavily on the cooperation of the participants with many colorful funny action pictures and reports. After the introduction (introduction, round of expectations, short input on the political importance of the topic) you will get to know communication guerrilla actions in small groups, using “action bags” (pictures, short film clips, press releases, action reports, newspaper articles).

11am-1pm WORKSHOP PART 2 “Classism from the left” of the antikla networking @Index (no stairs, wheelchair accessible toilet).

15:00 Colorful anarchist demonstration for the 6 hour day by the OAV, start: main station.

We believe that a better world is possible for all of us! On April 30, we want to take to the streets for the improvement of our own lives. We don’t want to engage in symbolic politics or election campaigns. We have less and less money due to inflation, we have to work longer and longer hours and see how corporations make billions of profits at the same timeā€¦

For the 6-hour day!