29.04. Saturday

11-14h: Become an Anarchist Radio Maker¶Edit @ Kopfsalat (steps to the room and to the toilets, very narrow toilets).

(length ca 3h, registration: ahad@systemli.org, with laptop)

You always wanted to sit in front of a (digital) mixing desk and turn the knobs? You like to work on and discuss anarchist and anti-authoritarian topics? You have an ear for resistant music and artists? You like to listen to the radio and want to take a look behind the scenes? We, the people from the Anarchist Radio from Dresden (https://a-dresden.org/category/radio/ahad-anarchistischer-hoerfunk-aus-dresden/) – currently a pure FLINTA* group, want to produce your (first) small own contribution with you in this workshop. We will show you step by step how we approach content, how we structure it audiophilically and how we implement it technically.
So that we can plan a bit, we limit the participants to 10 persons. Please register: ahad@systemli.org. It is also helpful if you can bring your own laptop. We have some devices there, but not enough for everyone.

11 am – 1 pm BOOK PRESENTATION “Veganarchism” @ location on request; in the south

4:30PM LECTURE Strategy of the Snail – Zapatista Autonomy @Meuterei

Ya Basta! Enough! Was the cry of thousands of indigenous small farmers, organized in the EZLN, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, when they rose up on 01.01.1994 in southeastern Mexico against 500 years of colonization, marginalization and disenfranchisement. After the mal gobierno, the bad government of the state of Mexico, did not keep to the peace treaties and international conventions and until today threatens the livelihood of the pueblos originarios, the original population, with neoliberal policies, the Zapatistas organized themselves independently of the Mexican state. Education, health, communication & culture, justice as well as economy are lived in self-administration and grassroots democracy. The administrative board junta de bien gobierno “governs obediently” beyond party politics and lobbyist coterie. They are globally networked and in solidarity with other movements from the left and below. The Zapatistas go ahead questioningly, because they do not presume to impose a ready-made ideology for all areas of society. And they go slowly, because they will go far….
Two compas from ya basta netz talk about the Zapatista movement, the background of the uprising, and the successful construction of their autonomous structures based on self-experienced encounters in Zapatista communities.