Category Archives: Uncategorized
An interim status on the May Day spectacle
Yesterday we met in a manageable round to discuss the current state regarding the demo on May 1st at Südplatz, to exchange our positions and how we can still act under the given circumstances. Self-critically, it should be noted that … Continue reading
Location for the Concert and more Thursday
Jej, we finally found a location for the concert Thursday: It is the Scherbelburg, a trolley site in the west. There Florence Rain will briefly cover struggles in the US and then play a set, plus Arbeits Titel Tortenschlacht and … Continue reading
For a meaningful First of May
As an organization group of the A-Days we have called for participation in the so-called “anti-authoritarian block” at the demonstration with starting point at Südplatz 15:30. This demo indirectly follows the one with the motto “Red is the May”, which … Continue reading
Program is finished (for now)
Hello, the program is as good as ready! Feel free to look over it 🙂 With the paperflyers that are already in circulation, the error devil has crept in, 2 events are unfortunately wrong. The flyer version at the page … Continue reading
Sleeping places
If you need a sleeping place during the A-Days or can offer a place to stay for someone else, please contact schlafplatz_atage[ät] We look forward to seeing you all at the A-Days!
English translation of the blog
We try to update our english translation regularly. The program will be updated when we have it finished, including short descriptions of the events. You can visit the page “Infrastructur” and “Call” for additional Information regarding the Anarchist Days 🙂